12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

7. Black Mirror Season 4

USS Callister Black Mirror

Black Mirror, before last December, could seemingly do no wrong. We'd had three fantastic seasons and a brilliant Christmas special that made for some of the most heart-breaking and human science-fiction television ever. Even in the transition to Netflix, season three was still strong and delivered the show's two best episodes (Shut Up and Dance and San Junipero).

Then along came season four and suddenly we're not so excited about Black Mirror anymore. Previously, we'd had one mediocre episode (The Waldo Moment) and one decent episode (Men Against Fire) while the rest were excellent or above. With season four, while some of the episodes are very good, none of them are top-ten episodes out of the nineteen Black Mirror episodes we've had to date.

U.S.S Callister and Black Museum are very good, but the rest all have nagging issues. Episodes three, four and five are overall good, but Hang the DJ ripped off San Junipero, Metalhead had too little backstory and Crocodile's second half made no sense, preventing them from reaching greatness. The worst one by far was Arkangel, which was very forgettable and also inexplicably cast an actress in her twenties as a 15-year-old.

On the whole, this just wasn't as good as usual and lacked an episode that will truly stay with you. It'd be good to have a little break before season five so that Charlie Brooker can write without being rushed by a time limit, which might have been what happened here.

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Black Mirror
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.