12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

6. Doctor Who Season 6

USS Callister Black Mirror

Doctor Who, whether it's the Classic or Revived series, is always wonderful and while it's had many ups and downs over the years, the show's failures are usually interesting ones. Not so here.

The first four seasons of the Doctor Who revival were outstanding and season five was good as well, even if the quality dropped a tiny bit. On the other hand, this season kind-of sucked and represented everything wrong with the Steven Moffat era.

Steven Moffat was a great guest writer but he's not been a good head-writer and his departure is a huge relief. With his insistence on long, convoluted story arcs and prioritization of bombast over good storytelling, Doctor Who often felt like a generic gritty science-fiction show instead of the wonderful adventure story we all came to love.

Season six had its moments, but for the most part it was a collection of meandering plot threads, overdone horror stories and humorless tedium that just went on and on without giving anything a satisfying pay-off. Even the acclaimed The Doctor's Wife wasn't that great an episode, while Let's Kill Hitler is still one of the worst episodes of modern Doctor Who.

Luckily the series has never stooped so low again. Season nine was very disappointing and the show completely lost its identity there, but seasons seven and season eight were good. Best of all, the recent season ten was a huge return to form that finally felt like Doctor Who again.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.