12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

4. Game Of Thrones Season 5

USS Callister Black Mirror

Game of Thrones is a show that no-one ever stops talking about, but believe the hype: it is fantastic. Most viewers went in expecting just a fantasy show, but what we actually got was one of the powerful and complex dramas in recent memory.

Seasons one to four were magnificent, but the fifth season was a huge drop down. The acting and directing were still right on-point, but the writing went downhill considerably. In fairness, the show was now using material from the fourth and fifth Song of Ice and Fire books, which are weaker than the first three, but they could've made more effort to spice things up.

Of course, the thing everyone hated most was the terrible Dorne subplot, which was devoid of any suspense or compelling drama and also had those blasted Sand Snakes, played by the three worst actors the show has ever seen. The Dorne stuff was not good, but there were many problems elsewhere. Tyrion's and Jon's story-lines were fine, but the rest was fairly tedious. The Arya, Daenerys, Kings Landing and Stannis story-lines were poorly done.

Lacking in character drama, emotion and thrilling action, this was completely inferior to what came before. As well as this, for all the unnecessary controversy over the Samsa and Ramsay scene, the really awful moment was Shireen Baratheon's meaningless and mean-spirited death. Luckily, GOT has since returned to form so all going well this will be remembered as just a blip.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.