12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

5. Torchwood Season 4

USS Callister Black Mirror

Torchwood, the adult spin-off from Doctor Who, was always very inconsistent and is easily the weakest show on this list. It isn't as good as The Sarah Jane Adventures, the spin-off on CBBC, but Torchwood was still overall a good show and, at its best, it was a complete blast. After two seasons of Doctor Who-style monster of the week stories, Torchwood got its first taste of real critical acclaim with the excellent five-part third series Children of Earth. Then, this happened.

Torchwood Miracle Day is similarly a continuous story but it's spread out to ten episodes. It features Jack and Gwen, alongside two random Americans, investigating a phenomenon in which no-one can die. It sounds interesting, but it really isn't.

Miracle Day is Awful. It's a flaming dumpster fire and by far the worst season on this list. Although episodes seven and ten are good and the series features the usual strong work from the cast, as well as a memorable turn from Bill Pullman as a child murderer, other than that this is a ghastly waste of potential. You know a season sucks when the most exciting thing to happen is a villain from The Sarah Jane Adventures (The Trickster) getting referenced.

Bloated, overly Americanized, lacking in action and mercilessly repetitive, this is a truly awful collection of episodes. Torchwood hasn't returned and probably won't; since this sucked so badly it's hard to care.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.