12 Mega Movie Stars Appearing In Essential 2014 TV Shows

5. Sean Bean - Legends

You know him from: LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), GoldenEye (1995), Equilibrium (2002) Yet another spy thriller €“ we can't get enough of those €“ starring cinema's most killed off actor, the one-and-only Sean Bean. For England James? No, this time for TNT. Bean plays a veteran CIA operative who suffers memory loss and identity confusion after going deep undercover for too long. A 'legend' is spook talk for the detailed background story that goes into creating an undercover identity, and as the title suggests, Bean's character has gone through a lot of them. "First rule of undercover: make the lies as close as possible to the truth." This line from the latest trailer for the series hints at a wildly paranoid and delusional break with reality for the leading man, causing him to become a liability to his mission and, you guessed it €“ national security. The question on all of our minds: how many episodes will he survive this time around?

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.