12 Most Beloved Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

2. The Measure Of A Man - Season 2 Episode 9

Star Trek Picard All Good Things
CBS Media Ventures

Decades after its release, The Measure of a Man remains one of the best explorations of what it truly means to be sentient. When Commander Bruce Maddox requests to dismantle Data in order to recreate similar androids, Jean Luc Picard vehemently protests leading to a trial to determine Data's right to exist.

The courtroom scenes are a clear highlight. They raise interesting questions like does Data actually have rights under the law and whether is it morally ok to give them to him? Is Data really a living being or does he only have the appearance of it as Maddox suggests? They are also filled with intelligent dialogue and convincing arguments. Picard, who is taking on the role of defense lawyer, asks Data why he keeps old sentimental trinkets that have no practical use revealing that Data has a heart and emotions. Riker, who is forced to argue for the prosecution against his beliefs, does a devastating theatrical maneuver where he shuts down Data in front of everyone.

It culminates in a rousing display of classing TBG morality and ideology. Picard highlights the disturbing implications that come with manufacturing a race of artificial beings. “Won’t we be judged by how we treat that race?!” he growls while making the case that Data's existence is in fact a miracle to be cherished as he delivers the inspired line, “Starfleet was formed to find new life. Well, THERE IT SITS!” It's simply stellar writing.

After the verdict has been made in Data's favor, he holds no hard feelings for Maddox and later even comforts Riker who is still guilty of having acted as prosecution. These acts show that Data is the best of us and truly is more man than machine.


Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.