12 Most Beloved Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

1. The Best Of Both Worlds - Season 3 Episode 26

Star Trek Picard All Good Things

A bonafide classic. You can feel it will be something special right from the start. when the crew discovers that an entire Federation colony has been abducted by the Borg. There is an immediate heightened sense of foreboding and danger. The cinematography and lighting create an ominous atmosphere while the performances all convey a convincing dread. Everyone knows they are outmatched and that a diplomatic solution isn't feasible. "We're not ready," Admiral Hanson states gravely.

The Best Of Both Worlds also features some of the best production values in Star Trek The Next Generation’s entire run making everything feel epic and momentous. The space chase scenes are shot with a visceral edge and energy while the special effects add a sense of scale to key moments like when the Enterprise enters a nebula. The Borg's design and makeup are way more elaborate than the usual weird forehead aliens and their main musical cue with its droning quality is one of the most memorable pieces of Star Trek music. Of course, who can forget that stunning cliffhanger when Picard is revealed as Locutus.

Jonathan Frakes also gets some of his most solid material as William Riker has been offered another promotion to captain. He effectively conveys Riker’s hesitancy to move on to a higher position due to his satisfaction at where he is now. Meanwhile, an ambitious Lt. Commander is temporarily assigned to the Enterprise and is upfront about her desire for the position of number one leading to some character tension rarely seen in TNG.

Amidst all that, the episode still finds time for quiet introspective moments. Picard wonders if this will be the end of humanity and if so, what their place in history will be. Guinan states that as long as a handful survive, then the human spirit will have prevailed. It’s an inspiring display of grace and hope under insurmountable odds.

The Best of Both Worlds strikes every target and deserves all the accolades fans have been showering it for years.


Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.