12 Most Depressing BoJack Horseman Moments Ever

11. Jealous Of Orphans

Bojack Horseman

BoJack has said before that he was terrified of both of his parents, and with some of the stories told about them over the course of the series, it’s easy to see why. They are largely the reason why BoJack is as damaged a person as he ultimately grew to be.

It’s one thing to want different parents, or to imagine them different in a lot of ways, but BoJack’s parents were so sh*tty, and so appalling, that he found himself being jealous of the orphans from 'Horsin’ Around'.

When the show first started, the network gave the note of referencing the three kids as orphans less, as audiences tended to find them sad and unrelatable. BoJack however, thought they were lucky. With no parents, they could imagine their mom and dad to be absolutely anything they wanted to be.

BoJack however, was stuck with Beatrice and Butterscotch, and couldn’t change that no matter how hard he tried. Imagine being raised by parents so damaging that you actually envied orphans?!


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.