12 Most Shocking Betrayals In TV History

3. Michael Kills His Own - Lost

Lost Michael Ana Lucia

Michael Dawson has to go through a lot during his time as an active character on Lost. He not only survives the trauma of a plane crash but then sees his beloved son Walter kidnapped and removed from the island by The Others. When he thinks he's getting computer messages from Walt pointing him to his location, Michael follows the directions only to be kidnapped himself by the group and told to free their leader Ben and bring them Sawyer, Hurley, Kate and Jack.

Unfortunately, freeing Ben isn't all that simple and Michael is forced to tell Ana Lucia - who is guarding Ben - that he will kill her captive on her behalf but then kills her when she hands over the gun. As if that betrayal isn't shocking enough, he then kills Libby when she walks in on them, before taking the survivors to the Others.

He may be driven by love and his desperation, but Michael's murder of two of his own and betrayal of four others is hugely shocking. Still, he probably didn't deserve to be cursed to eternal captivity on the island, though.

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