12 Most Shocking Betrayals In TV History

4. Wesley Steals Connor - Angel

Wesley Connor Angel
The WB

Up until the third season of Angel, Wesley had often been a comedic figure used for levity, but then Angel got someone pregnant - you know, despite the whole dead thing - and everything changed for Wesley. He became a lot more serious, but, crucially, he also became a lot more interesting. And it also led to him making the fairly disastrous decision to betray Angel.

Angel's son Connor obviously brings some joy for his father and the rest of the gang, who all dote on this miracle child. And then Wesley discovers a fake prophecy changed by time-shifting demon Sahjhan (who Connor was destined to kill) stating that Angel will kill his son, which disturbs Wesley so much he keeps it to himself and decides to kidnap Connor. That almost leads to his death, but worse, it condemns Connor to a hell dimension, which understandably upsets Angel.

Regardless of Wesley's intent or the good behind his actions, it's a betrayal that leads not only to Angel losing his son, but to Connor growing up in a harsh reality that asks him to fight for his life repeatedly as his kidnapper indoctrinated him against vampires and Angel. Nice one, Wesley.

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