12 Ridiculous Ways TV Characters Were Brought Back From The Dead

1. I Died In A Car Accident...Or Did I Just Dream A Year's Worth Of Story Lines In The Shower: Bobby Ewing (Dallas)

That was a very long shower. Thinking retconning a character's death was bad enough? What about retconning an entire season? Lost without a Nikki and Paulo season? Supernatural without the whole Sam has no soul story line? Dexter not having to deal with the rather dull Miguel and jumping straight to the Trinity Killer after the highs of season two? Doctor Who that follows up The Caves Of Androzani with Remembrance Of The Daleks? Frankly, the possibilities are endless. But also utterly ridiculous. You can't just ignore what happened before, not matter how much of a failure that story line was. Any suspension of disbelief with the audience is utterly lost (aka Sara Tancredi). However no-one told the writers of Dallas that little nugget of information. Realising they has written out one of the show's biggest stars, Bobby Ewing, with his death, they decide the only route they could take was to pretend a year's worth of story lines were all just a dream. No character resurrection is ever going to be as ridiculous as this one. It was so daft they forgot about spin off show Knots Landing which had to continue to acknowledge Bobby's death even after his return in order not to invalidate their own plot. As for the main show, how could it ever be taken seriously again? Yes I know it's the jewel in flashy 80's soaps and you could argue it was all style over substance anyway, but even for a show with ridiculous story lines, 'it was all a dream' was just ludicrous. And there you have it. 12 ridiculous ways TV characters were brought back from the dead. Do you agree or did you find their resurrections completely plausible? Is there a character you think I've missed off the list? Please let me know in your comments below and I'll be back soon as I follow this article up with some character resurrections from the dead were just plain brilliant!

A writer for Whatculture since May 2013, I also write for TheRichest.com and am the TV editor and writer for Thedigitalfix.com . I wrote two plays for the Greater Manchester Horror Fringe in 2013, the first an adaption of Simon Clark's 'Swallowing A Dirty Seed' and my own original sci-fi horror play 'Centurion', which had an 8/10* review from Starburst magazine! (http://www.starburstmagazine.com/reviews/eventsupcoming-genre-events/6960-event-review-centurion) I also wrote an episode for online comedy series Supermarket Matters in 2012. I aim to achieve my goal for writing for television (and get my novels published) but in the meantime I'll continue to write about those TV shows I love! Follow me on Twitter @BazGreenland and like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BazGreenlandWriter