12 Scariest Doctor Who Episodes

10. Asylum Of The Daleks

Doctor Who Clara There's nothing scary about a creature made from kitchen implements. Until it starts to become a real, physical, imminent threat. That was the genius in Moffat's new twist on the Daleks: they weren't just crazy thingys that yelled "exterminate," they had a concept of beauty that we would call "hatred," they had humans as slaves and pets, and they had technology that could steal our souls. The final reveal that Oswin Oswald has been, all along, a Dalek, is astonishing because it is both completely unexpected and totally predictable. The episode has been full of little hints: where did the milk come from? "Eggs" at the beginning of "exterminate," wooden planks to keep out Daleks who are "getting in at night," and the conversion of the other humans. All of this is pointing at the terrible truth, but Oswin believes it so we do too. Plus, there were reanimated skeletons blundering about, and a guy who says "I died outside" with a suddenly flat affect. That was freaky...
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at tyrannyofthepetticoat.wordpress.com and her reading blog at journalofimaginarypeople.wordpress.com.