12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Bojack Horseman

10. Celebrity Stealing Club Strikes Again! And Again!

Bojack Mike and Spike

We first meet the Celebrity Stealing Club in Season One, where they play a prominent role in the b-plot of The Telescope. While BoJack kind of tries and definitely fails to apologise to Herb, the Celebrity Stealing Club ransack his car.

They’re a bunch of bright balaclava wearing thieves who, as their name suggests, steal from celebrities. This is their most major appearance, but it’s definitely not their only one.

They skip Season Two, but by Season Three they’re back. Diane is mistakenly invited to a house party by Alexi Brosefino (the Dave Franco parody played by Dave Franco). There, in the background, the Celebrity Stealing Club can be spotted pilfering a painting.

Season Four sees them absent again, but by Season Five they’re back, targeting BoJack once more as they sneak out of his Halloween party with yet another painting.

Season Six saw them finally get over their aversion to even numbered seasons, though they clearly still had a taste for paintings. When BoJack and Jameson sneak out of rehab to go to a house party, the balaclavaed bandits can be seen once again.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)