12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Bojack Horseman

8. All The Animal Puns

Bojack Mike and Spike

Mike & Spike got their own entry as that wasn’t so much an animal pun as it was having fun with the weird and wonderful world building. There are plenty of other examples though of straight up puns, some more obvious, some easy to miss.

The fact LAX is named after Air Bud is a fairly obvious one, used in several establishing shots, but there’s many smaller ones too. Parrotmount Studios, Black Mamba Juice, The Swine Within Reach and Beast Buy are easier to skip over though.

There’s also the fact The Beetles were actual beetles, The Goatful Dead were a band, and while Beyoncé is just Beyoncé (and not a queen bee), her husband Jay-Z is now Jay-Zebra.

There are just so many of them to contend with. The famous ‘Got Milk?’ campaign now features a cow model and looks more like ‘Hello, Boys’ than it does a PSA. Plus there’s a gangster dog tattooed with ‘Beware Of The Me’, PC’s PC screensaver is a yarn ball and the store called ‘Lowes (but like a animal version)’ when they phoned it in in the best way.

That’s before you even get into all of the celebrity names too.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)