12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

4. Walt's Incognito Pseudonym Is Skyler's Maiden Name

Breaking Bad Walter White death

It was teased a couple times before it actually happened, but it took until the final two episodes of Season 5 before Walt needed to call in Saul's contact to disappear off the grid.

In Granite State he's set up with a new life, a new identity, and a nice little cabin where he could live out his few remaining days. The idea is that he's supposed to be untraceable, given a new I.D. and becoming "Mr. Lambert". Combined with the new look it's a pretty convincing disguise, that is, unless you know anything about Walt's extended family.

That's because "Lambert" isn't just some random name Walt was given, but actually Skyler's maiden name, which can be seen on the divorce papers in Season 3.

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