12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

3. The Pink Teddy Bear Can Be Spotted In Jane's Room

Breaking Bad

The pink teddy bear is a motif that runs throughout the entirety of Breaking Bad, living on through the eye that Walt keeps as a memento, but it acted as the biggest mystery of Season 2.

Why was it in the Whites' pool? Why was it charred? What did it have to do with the dead bodies being moved away? While these mysteries did remained unanswered until the closing moments of the final episode, Breaking Bad teases its relationship to Jane prior to it being made official.

Though she spends most of her time over at Jesse's, audiences are given a quick glance around her apartment, including her bedroom that has a huge mural painted on one of the walls. If you look to the right of it, you'll clearly see the pink bear, seemingly falling out of the sky.

This doesn't only link the object to Jane, but also clarifies how it arrived in Walt's pool.

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