12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

12. Ted's Accident And Jane's Death Are Both Teased Immediately Before They Happen

Breaking Bad

A good chunk of the entries on this list concern foreshadowing, but these two are perhaps the most obvious examples, and ones which add extra tragedy on rewatches.

First up is Ted, who accidentally bangs his noggin and ends up severely hospitalised after tripping on a rug in his own home. In the moment it's farcical and a bit like something out of a slapstick comedy (well, until the horrifying consequences are revealed in the following season anyway), and it's made even more idiotic because Ted actually makes the same mistake earlier in the episode.

When he goes to answer the door to let Skyler in, he stumbles on the same part of the rug that sends him flying later in the ep.

Jane's foreshadowing is much more tragic however, and actually happens a few times. The first instance comes when Walt is putting his newborn daughter to bed, and makes a point of laying her on her side in case she does a "little spit up" while she's sleeping. Jane likewise says a similar thing to Jesse after he takes heroin, making sure he's on his side and can't roll over if he vomits.

Of course, both instances reference the fact that Jane ends up dying after Walt knocks her on her back while high and she chokes on her own vomit.

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