12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

10. Fate Decided On Walt's Plan To Poison Brock In 'End Times'

Breaking Bad

This is potentially an obvious one if you binged the series, but it's a detail which went over a bunch of viewers' heads back when Breaking Bad first aired.

The end of Season 4 sees Walt cornered with Gus closing in, with the penultimate episode opening on him in his back yard, completely defeated. He spins a gun on the table, and twice it lands pointing towards him, confirming just how doomed he is. The third time, though, it points towards a plant, and Walt suddenly gets an idea.

We don't find out the significance of his epiphany until the end of the next episode when it's revealed that it's the Lily of the Valley plant, which contains the same poisonous substance that put Brock in the hospital, and convinced Jesse to join Walt and kill their boss.

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