12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

9. The Significance Of The Number 737

Breaking Bad Plane Crash

Season 2 was the only run of Breaking Bad that was planned in its entirety before filming began, and as a result it's the most detailed with foreshadowing and easter eggs.

The biggest have to do with the collision of airplanes - two Boeing 737s - in the final episode, an accident indirectly caused by Walt which is built up to from the opening flash forward in the first episode.

Interestingly, if you take the titles of every episode which featured one of the teasing flash forwards, it spells out "Seven Thirty-Seven Down Over ABQ", which is obviously a reference to what eventually happens in the finale.

The number 737 has extra significance as well, as it refers to how much money Walt needed to make before he died, which clocked in at just over $737,000.

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