12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

9. Mac's Comment About Musicals

It's Always Sunny Mac's Dance

In Season Eleven’s two-part finale, The Gang Goes to Hell, the Always Sunny gang are on a Christian-run cruise ship. Hardly the holiest bunch, the group does everything they can to disgrace themselves whilst on board. This ranges from Dennis attempting to use the infamous “implication” on a girl of questionable age, to Dee assaulting one of the ship’s entertainers, to Charlie and Frank smuggling booze and getting completely rat-arsed.

The one character who does take the vacation seriously is the ultra-Catholic Mac. Long presumed to be gay, he meets a homosexual Christian couple on the ship who invite him to take part in a pro-Christian musical. Whilst sceptical at first, Mac ends up loving performing and later advises that musicals may become a huge part of his life from now on.

At first this seems like a gag at his glaring closeted homosexuality, but it actually goes deeper than that. In the uncharacteristically emotional Season Thirteen finale, Mac puts on a song and dance performance in order to come out to his father as gay. Whilst his dad does reject him, Frank has an epiphany, claiming “I get it now.”

This was a huge character development moment caused by, as Mac predicted two years prior, a musical.


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