12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is a big show, so what kind of things did you miss the first time around?

The Walking Dead Season 3

As a show, The Walking Dead still remains something of a phenomenon. Characters such as Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, Negan and Glenn Rhee are well known throughout the fan base and beyond. We remember the deaths, the speeches, the zombie kills and Andrew Lincoln's accent, but what about the more obscure things? What kind of things did we miss?

Be it foreshadowing, casting connections, clever pieces of dialogue, episode titles or references to characters and events long past, there are plenty of details you may not have noticed on your first viewing. Some are small and shocking, some may be more obvious but nonetheless overlooked.

Either way, let's sit back and have a look at the 12 small details hidden within the show. But be warned, there are some major spoilers in the pages that follow. Take caution, but enjoy.

12. All In The Family

The Walking Dead Season 3

Fans will always remember Sophia emerging from the Greene barn in Season Two. Whichever part of us hoped the young girl would get a happy ending was instantly crushed and our hearts were broken. In a lot of ways, this is the episode which saw the true beginning of The Walking Dead as we know it today, elevating the fear and the vulnerability of the characters we had come to love to new heights.

But rest assured that whilst Sophia is gone, her legacy lives on in an incredible way. In Season Seven we were introduced to Henry, a young boy from the Hilltop colony who befriends a wayward Morgan Jones. Henry himself remains a divisive character, but he can surely earn props for being first portrayed by Mascen Lintz and later by Matt Lintz, the younger brothers of Sophia actress Madison.

It's a nice little connection made much more fun when you consider how cool their family get togethers must be.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other