12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching The Walking Dead
11. The Day Will Come When You Won't Be
This one is all about foreshadowing. Perhaps what makes it most interesting is how long it took to reveal itself to us. All the way back in Season One, Edwin Jenner gave Rick Grimes and his group the chance to escape the self-destructing CDC. As his family and friends fled, Rick told the good doctor that he was grateful for the chance to survive. Jenner then pulled him close and said: "The day will come when you won't be."
Fast forward seven years and six seasons and we find that Jenner's prophetic warning has not only come true, it's also become the title of the episode which enraged and destroyed fans everywhere. That's right: it's the Season Seven premiere, in which fan favourites Abraham Ford and Glenn Rhee meet their grisly end.
The line itself is much more than a subtle call back, however, as it also symbolises how Rick may have finally reached his limit. Negan is formidable, evil and terrifying, and Rick knows he can't win. It's a true reveal of just how much Rick and his friends have gone through, and a question of how much more they can possibly take.