10 Star Trek Aliens Who Should Make A Comeback

2. The Founders

Voyager Voth

Introduced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the Founders, also called Changelings, were the shape-shifting, authoritarian rulers of the Dominion, a fun house mirror image of the Federation that imposed the Founders' imposed idea of perfect order over the Gamma quadrant.

Soon after encountering the Federation, the Founders thought it would be a good idea to impose their perfect order on the Alpha and Beta quadrants as well. That went about as well as would be expected and the Founders soon found themselves embroiled in a drawn-out war that pitted them and their allies, the Cardasians and the Breen, against the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans.

The end of the Dominion War had far-reaching consequences for their species. They hadn't considered the effect of living in the Alpha quadrant on Odo, a long lost member of their race. By the time the War started, Odo had spent his life working with, befriending, and even loving solids. When he returned to the Gamma quadrant and joined the Changeling collective, the Great Link, his knowledge and experience was added to their collective consciousness.

As shown in Star Trek: Discovery, a 32nd century star chart featured a Founder homeworld. Were these 32nd century Founders still antagonistic towards 'solids' like their 24th century counterparts or had Odo's merger with the Great Link made them more trusting and accepting of solid species? These would be excellent themes for a future season of Discovery or another series set in the 32nd century.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.