10 Star Trek Aliens Who Should Make A Comeback

1. The Voth

Voyager Voth

The Voth were introduced in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Distant Origin. They were saurian humanoids that evolved on Earth in the Cretaceous period from a common ancestor with hadrosaurs. However their religious beliefs, referred to as The Doctrine, taught that they originated in the Delta quadrant, the earliest sentient species to develop there.

In the episode, a Voth scientist, Gegen, discovered evidence proving their origin on Earth and, much like Galileo, was put on trial for his troubles. Although defended by Voyager's Commander Chakotay, Gegen lost the trial and at the end of the episode The Doctrine was still deemed the true Voth origin. However, the ever optimistic Gegen believed his people would someday accept Earth as their true origin.

So, what would happen when they do? As depicted in Distant Origin, Voth leaders viewed mammalian species such as humans as inferior life forms. Would they invade the Federation and lay claim to Earth as the original owners? Starfleet would have something to say about that and a war would likely follow. But as shown in the episode, the Voth had a 65 million year advantage over humans. They lived in a gargantuan city-ship that made Voyage look like a flee. Would the Voth's technological superiority give them an edge in a war? A story-arc or even an full season or two of a Star Trek series could explore these questions.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.