12 Star Trek Characters Who Changed The Most

4. Riker

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan

Riker was something of the new Kirk when he arrived, beardless, in the first season of the Next Generation. He is flirty but commanding, a little too quick to speak down to people and overly serious in his manners. This is entirely at odds with the pizza-making Dad that we would see in Nepenthe.

He learns at the heels of Picard throughout the run of the series, turning down several commands to stay where he is. When he eventually does accept command of the USS Titan, it is more than clear that he can easily command a starship and crew. He commanded the Enterprise enough times to prove his value.

In his personal journey, he may have been the member of the crew to experience the most in the way of his love life, but this aspect dropped away as the seasons went on. He deals with the loss of Picard to the Borg, along with his relegation under Captain Jellico. Part of his past is revealed with the arrival of Admiral Pressman, though it is not the polished brass that we had come to expect - proving that even the most upstanding officers can make mistakes along the way.

While he seems to prefer the quiet life when Picard seeks him out for help, he is still fiercely loyal to his old captain, going so far as to get his commission reinstated so that he can command the armada that comes to his aid. He may have lightened up a lot, but the man can still hold his own with the best of them.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick