12 Things That Make No Sense In BoJack Horseman

10. A Halloween Store, In January?

BoJack Horseman

After Todd got close to Mr. Peanutbutter working as his chauffeur in the first season, the pair end up becoming close friends, along with becoming business partners, working on ideas proposed by Todd that they never really follow through on, ending up just burning away Mr. Peanutbutter's money. The first real idea they had and went through with was building a Halloween store open in January, but only January.

Apparently this store idea would actually have worked if the pair followed through on the idea and didn't forget about it, leaving a hollowed-out storefront that doesn't even have a floor built-in.

Instead, Halloween in January ends up being a comedic cutaway for the show, claiming the faces and bones of anyone who wanted to find some spooky dishware and instead accidentally fall into a pit, including Andrew Garfield and Jimmy Fallon. Then it is never brought up again, despite somehow still operating for years without anyone questioning it or starting multiple potential lawsuits for the people that keep falling into this unfinished store.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.