12 TV Shows That Don't Live Up To Great Premises

11. This Is England

Flashforward poster
FilmFour Productions

Shane Meadows’ 2006 film was quietly revolutionary, a majorly successful return to the issue-driven gritty British dramas of yore. With a wide cast, most of whom don’t get a major look in, a TV adaptation seemed like a decent bet. What followed started off well, but became everything the film managed to avoid being.

The TV adaptation of This Is England had only two modes: melodramatic, and boring. Half the time it was essentially a soap opera with swearing and ska music. Every possible hot-button issue you could imagine was covered over 10 or so episodes, to the point that it was nothing short of misery porn. They even ran the hotline for viewers who’d been affected by the topics in this week’s episode.

When it wasn’t depressing, it was often turgidly slow. Despite the short series run, Meadows always seemed to find himself stuck for material. Episodes were padded with tedious party scenes and montage after montage.

While the likes of Stephen Graham and Vicky McClure shone in the elongated format, other actors were shown up as the series ran its course. It was well made at times, and with something to say, but about as little fun as you can have watching TV.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)