12 Unanswered Questions From Famous TV Shows That Are Still Killing Us

2. So. Many. Things. - Lost

Cast Of LOST

J.J. Abrams' hugely popular sci-fi show ended in predictably contentious fashion, leaving not just one or two unanswered questions, but an entire thesis' worth of them.

Some of the more pressing questions include the mysterious "special" nature of young Walt, the bizarre absence of certain crucial characters in the final scene (perhaps a logistical issue more than anything), the tendency for pregnant women to die on the island, the true utility of the all-important numbers, and the generally opaque nature of the time travel mechanics.

You can argue "it's about the journey, not the destination" until you're blue in the face, but many fans were understandably flummoxed by the show giving up even trying to answer many of its most imposing questions.

Though Lost did at least remain fairly tantalising to the end, it's clear that Damon Lindelof and co. wrote themselves into a corner they had no ability to write themselves out of.

And while a dispassionate checklist of answers in the series finale would've been awful, it sure would've been nice to get something for at least a few of these enduring mysteries.

Fans will instead have to make do with the abundance of theories doing the rounds online (which, honestly, might be better than what Lindelof et al. could've come up with).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.