12 Unanswered Questions From Famous TV Shows That Are Still Killing Us

1. What Was Next For McNulty? - The Wire

The Wire McNulty Dominic West

David Simon's incredible crime drama series aired its final episode 10 years ago this past March, believe it or not, and much like The Shield's finale, it left its troubled protagonist in a decidedly dubious state of existence.

The show ends with Detective McNulty (Dominic West) being fired for fabricating evidence suggesting a serial killer was operating in Baltimore, in order to restore overtime to the police department.

The audience is left to ponder on what might become of the alcoholic cop whose only constant in life was his dedication to his work.

With his history and disgrace, would McNulty be able to find solid work elsewhere, and if not, would this send him down yet another alcohol-induced spiral?

Considering that The Wire's closing montage very much suggests that the world is cyclical and people don't change too much, it's tough to be optimistic about McNulty finding peace in his post-police life. But you never know.

Any suggestions for these nagging unanswered questions and cliffhangers? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.