12 Worst Time Travel Goofs In The Flash (So Far)
5. Flip It And Reverse It
When Barry told his friends about the amended timelines, he conveniently left out the part where it wasn’t actually him that ‘restored’ the timeline back from Flashpoint to its current state.
He didn’t mention that it was Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, who did the deed, nor that he’d given his greatest enemy free reign to mess with his life and the lives of his friends: leaving everyone completely unaware that a madman had timef*cked the world.
If anyone understands about the new timeline and the changes that have been inflicted on people, it’s the Reverse Flash: because he caused it. He even tells Barry as much… which kind of implies that he did it deliberately.
Worse, he’s still out there, free to do it again, having travelled forward to 2016 with Our Barry. Did Our Barry carry him there, or has he retained a connection to the Speed Force to allow him to time travel on his own?
The premiere episode of season two of Legends Of Tomorrow reveals that a version of Thawne has resumed meddling in history, joining forces with Damien Darhk in 1942... a man who planned to nuke the world and rule over the ashes. Is that this Thawne, or a different version?
No doubt there’ll be a Flash/Legends crossover later on in the 2016/1017 television season to resolve this. But poor characterisation and unresolved plotlines aren’t necessarily mistakes. What’s the goof?
Well, this timeline saw Eobard Thawne kill Nora Allen and then travel to 2016… so who killed Harrison Wells in 2000 this time?
After all, this current timeline is supposed to have repeated all the larger events of The Flash season one and two: which means that a stranded Reverse Flash is supposed to have killed and impersonated Wells, created S.T.A.R. Labs in his place and used future knowledge to invent the doomed particle accelerator project and create the Flash six years early.
But Thawne wasn’t stranded in 2000 in this timeline, so none of that can have taken place… except it clearly has.