12 Worst Time Travel Goofs In The Flash (So Far)
4. The Horrifying Case Of Sara Diggle, Part 1
One of the biggest changes to the timeline after the Flashpoint fiasco was the removal from history of John Diggle’s daughter with his wife Lyla Michaels.
When Barry runs to Star City to try and talk through the ramifications of his stupidity with Felicity Smoak, he sees a picture of Green Arrow’s best friend holding a little boy, not a little girl - John Diggle Jr.
Thawne’s meddling wiped a beautiful two-year-old girl from existence and replaced her with an entirely new two-year-old boy.
Now, there are two rather massive issues here. The first is a technical one: how has the timef*cking caused a different child to be conceived? Did this new timeline have some knock on effect that caused the Diggles to knock boots on a different night, or for a different zygote to be formed by the same fertilisation event?
If so, then this is a perfect example of the butterfly effect in operation. Sara Diggle is a can of worms: because if this tiny little change affected that tiny little life, born to a family with no connection to the Allens whatsoever, it should have made vast, sweeping changes to the whole world.
Just for a start, surely this can’t be the only conception that’s been affected in that way by the timeline change. There have been about two billion children born since 2000. However it happened: if it’s happened once, it’s got to have happened at least a million other times in those sixteen years of exponentially transformed history.
What about Oliver’s son William, conceived in a casual liaison with a passing acquaintance in 2007? We could - we should - be looking at half a planet full of different children.