13 Awful TV Shows Star Trek Actors Want Us To Forget

2. Brent Spiner – Joey

Shatner Shit My Dad Says

There’s a solid argument to be made that Brent Spiner’s iconic turn as the (theoretically) emotionless Data is the funniest thing about The Next Generation, so it’s not insane to guess that combining this inspired comic actor with the funniest character from nineties sitcom megahit Friends would go well—right?

Well, to be fair we all thought Joey would be a good idea at the time.

But just like Arrested Development’s Portia DeRossi couldn’t salvage the series, nor could a guest appearance from Spiner as himself raise anything more than a shrug of recognition during another laugh-free half hour instalment of this rightfully forgotten series.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.