13 Awful TV Shows Star Trek Actors Want Us To Forget

9. Kate Mulgrew - The Black Donnellys

Shatner Shit My Dad Says

Yes, okay, so Voyager is probably the most contested series in the long-running Star Trek franchise, with the show boasting a small committed sect of defenders along with a great many people who consider it—well, a touch cringey at times, to put it mildly.

But there’s no denying the charisma and screen presence of star Kate Mulgrew as the franchise’s first female captain, Kathryn Janeway. Still a firm fan favourite, Mulgrew went on to a stellar screen career—oh, and she was also in The Black Donnellys.

Coming from Crash creator/ worst Oscar winner alive Paul Haggis, this daft and painfully belaboured mob show attempted to do for the Irish mob what The Sopranos did for the mafia, and succeeded in doing for the Irish mob what Jane Austen’s Mafia! did for the mafia.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.