13 Awful TV Shows Star Trek Actors Want Us To Forget

10. Wilson Cruz - The Finder

Shatner Shit My Dad Says

As Discovery’s Dr. Hugh Culber, the versatile Wilson Cruz remains a favourite of many fans and one of the highlights of the divisive series. Outside of the Trek series, the openly gay actor has an impressive screen career as well as some serious kudos as an LGBTQ+ advocate and activist.

That said, with an illustrious career comes a few inevitable duds, and for Cruz this inevitability comes in the form of 2012’s short-lived Bones spin-off The Finder, a detective series which barely had time to debut before it was cancelled for being, well, derivative of Psych and too similar to The Mentalist, not to mention lacking the cast chemistry which kept its parent show afloat.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.