13 Best Original Characters In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

11. Cad Bane

Captain Rex Star Wars The Clone Wars Lucasfilm

Cad Bane is a bounty hunter who specialises in dealing with Jedi, and is one of the show's most dangerous and formidable antagonists. With no capacity for virtue or kindness, his scheming nature sets him apart from other bounty hunters in his field and often sees him best Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

His most rewarding arc comes in Season Four, wherein he teams up with a group of bounty hunters to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. One of the bounty hunters is Obi-Wan, who is deep undercover, and their interactions make for some of the show's most intense and rewarding moments.

He even manages to best Anakin and his Padawan and escape from a Republic cruiser, proving his skill and cementing himself as the show's best bounty hunter.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.