13 Best TV Moments Of 2016 (So Far)
The moments that broke the internet, and the one that broke our hearts.

2016 has, thus far, been another stellar year as far as TV is concerned.
From network shows to cable to Netflix, there's not only more shows to watch, but more great TV shows available to obsess over. From quirky comedies to dark, hard-hitting dramas, via comic books and a whole lot more, there's something for all tastes, with the hardest part being fitting everything in to your schedule.
While I've already looked at the Best TV Shows of 2016 (so far), it's worth diving a little bit deeper into what we've seen our screens, because there have been some truly incredible moments already this year.
There's been scenes of action that rival anything put on the big screen, pitch-perfect takes on real-life people, moments that make you laugh out loud, ones that make you cry with sadness, others that make you cry with joy, and some that make you cry for reasons you don't even understand (but possibly envy, anger, and disgust).
Although there are no doubt many more glorious moments to come this year (with some truly exciting shows on their way), and no doubt a number of your favourites missing from this list, here are the biggest and best TV moments of 2016...so far.
Oh, and spoiler alert, incase that wasn't clear.
13. Negan's Arrival - The Walking Dead

The second half of The Walking Dead's sixth season was a lot better than people will either remember or care to admit. Yes, the way it ended was a letdown and a poor decision, but the build-up to that was the show getting back to its best: exciting, intense, and action-packed.
The reason for this is that it wasn't just meandering along as it so often does, but moving with real drive and purpose. It had a goal, and the name of that goal was Negan.
The biggest and best villain from the comics, fans had been waiting a long time for him to finally appear on the show. They took their time teasing his arrival, setting up his location and his group, the Saviours, as well as the sense of mystique and menace his name alone carries.
When he was finally unveiled at the end of the Season 6 finale, their was a collective sigh of relief: Joffrey Dean Morgan, the actor given the task of bringing the villain to life, had nailed the character. He was crude, intimidating, charismatic, intelligent, and incredibly captivating, holding the attention for the duration of his big speech. It was the moment fans had been waiting for, and it was played out perfectly.
And then the camera cut away. Had it not, there's no doubt it would've been higher up this list, but that shouldn't take away from just how impressive his arrival was, and it's going to be great to see more of Negan in Season 7.