13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

9. Charles Logan - 24

24 Charles Logan death

Charles Logan has earned numerous comparisons to President Richard Nixon thanks to actor Gregory Itzin's excellent portrayal of the sleazy, twitchy political slimeball. His debut in season four portrayed him as a harmless and benign President, before it was revealed in season five that he was collaborating with Christopher Henderson to secure American oil interest abroad, and had also green-lit the assassination of former President David Palmer.

Jack Bauer ended up exposing him, though he did not suffer the public humiliation he deserved, and instead quietly stepped down from office before being placed under house arrest.

After almost being stabbed to death by his wife Martha in season six, Logan appears in in the eighth and final season to help the US leverage a peace treaty, though essentially corrupts President Taylor, ultimately trying to have Jack assassinated in order to cover his own hide and get revenge on Bauer. When Jack again foils his plan, Logan shoots himself in the head, but miraculously survives, with a medic remarking that survival was likely, though he would be severely brain damaged.

Logan may not have bit the whole bullet, but confining him to such a bleak existence is arguably even more satisfying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.