13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

10. Nicholas Brody - Homeland

HomelandNicholas Brody Death

One of the greatest mysteries in the last 5 years of TV is whether Nicholas Brody is a good guy or a bad guy. He returns from being captured in Afghanistan but is soon suspected by CIA officer Carrie Mathison to have been turned by al-Qaeda.

Despite doubt from her superiors and a media portrayal of Brody as a hero, it transpires that he is, in fact, a terrorist, eager to murder Vice President Walden for his claims that American drone strikes had not killed any children in Afghanistan, when he knows first hand that al-Qaeda commander Abu Nazir's son Issa was killed by one.

Brody decides not to detonate his bomb vest at the last minute, instead becoming elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in season two while remaining a sleeper agent. Eventually Brody's suicide tape is discovered and Carrie convinces him to become a triple agent for the CIA. Brody ends up helping Nazir kill Walden, and Nazir is killed by the CIA shortly thereafter. However, a bomb goes off at Walden's funeral, with Nazir having framed Brody prior to his death, even airing the original suicide tape.

As season three begins, Brody is the most wanted man in the world, though the CIA intends to use Brody's standing to obtain him political asylum in Iran so that he can assassinate the leader of the Revolutionary Guard and help install a CIA asset there as the new leader.

Brody eventually goes through with it, though Saul had already ordered his assassination by this point, and to complicate matters further, Carrie is pregnant with his child. Carrie tries to save Brody, who ends up being sentenced to death for treason, but he has accepted his fate, and is subsequently hanged as Carrie watches in horror.

Brody may have had righteous motives to bring down Walden in the first place, but his constant flip-flopping made him a danger to both sides, and it was just a matter of time before this caught up with him.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.