13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

7. Vic Mackey - The Shield

The Shield Vic Mackey

Easily one of the most complex and compelling characters in TV history, The Shield's Vic Mackey confounded expectations right from the show's pilot episode, assassinating fellow cop Terry Crowley during a mission in order to cover the back of the Strike Team, who Crowley was reporting to Captain David Aceveda about. Mackey's corruption knew no end, whether it's brutally burning Armadillo's face on a grill, attempting to rip off the Armenian money train, or selling out his own guys to save himself.

In the final season of the show, the s*** catastrophically hits the fan, when Vic gets himself an immunity deal in exchange for exposing every dastardly act the Strike Team has ever committed, essentially ensuring his other surviving teammates, Ronnie and Shane, would be going to jail for life.

As a result, in the series finale, Shane shoots himself in the head and poisons his wife and young son, leading to a chilling scene in which Vic's colleague Claudette reads the suicide note to Vic and shows him pictures of the dead bodies, much to his anger and disgust.

Later, Ronnie is arrested in front of Vic, with Ronnie expressing outrage at Vic for selling him out rather than going on the run together. In the end, Vic's family are sent into witness protection and he's reassigned to a desk job, where he's despised by his colleagues who are aware of every dirty deed he's ever done.

A desk job for a guy who thrives on busting perps? Vic may have ended up as the last man standing, but with his family long gone, every professional bridge burned and stuck in a depressing employment role, it was totally the fate such a heinous individual deserved.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.