13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

6. Vern Schillinger - Oz

Oz Vern Schillinger

J.K. Simmons is absolutely chilling as Vern Schillinger, the leader of The Aryan Brotherhood in HBO's outrageously violent and over-the-top prison drama Oz. When he becomes bunkmates with new fish Tobias Beecher, he soon enough turns him into his sexual slave, raping him until Tobias ends up losing it, beating Schillinger with a weight and taking a dump in his mouth (yes, you read that right). Beecher further gets one over on Vern by having his prison sentence extended by a decade for plotting to kill him.

Schillinger then moves on to brutally gang rape mentally disabled new inmate Cyril O'Reily, before returning to have both of Beecher's arms and legs broken. When Vern's heroin addict son Andrew ends up in Oz and makes friends with Beecher, Vern disowns him and delivers him a toxic quantity of the drug which he subsequently dies from consuming. Vern then gets his other son Hank to murder Beecher's son, mailing his severed hand to the prison, and later commits a series of gang rapes with his other Aryan pals.

Vern then arranges for another inmate to murder Beecher's father when he visits, but ultimately gets his comeuppance during a prison rendition of Macbeth, whereby Chris Keller replaces the prop knife with an actual blade, causing Beecher to stab Schillinger to death by accident but avoid any consequences as a result. After every heinous act the man had either committed or greenlit, he probably deserved something even more brutal, but it was certainly satisfying to watch.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.