13 Horrible Life Lessons My Little Pony Tries To Teach Our Kids

2. Forever Filly

Pinkie Pie My Little Pony
Hasbro Studios

The Horrible Life Lesson: Treating your siblings like garbage is okay as long as it teaches them a lesson.

Burdened with the responsibility of running boutiques in three cities, Rarity comes to realize that she never gets to spend time with her little sister anymore. She decides to take a full day off to focus on her relationship with Sweetie Belle. Unfortunately, Rarity's activity choices - puppet shows, ice cream and playing dress-up - haven't appealed to Sweetie Belle since she was a foal.

Mirroring this story, the vaguely foreign Zipporwhill asks the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help her with her dog Ripley, who no longer seems to appreciate the games and toys he enjoyed as a puppy. Much as Rarity must learn that Sweetie Belle is growing up, Zipporwhill must accept that Ripley just isn't a puppy anymore.

There's actually nothing wrong with the lesson here. Losing touch with siblings is tough, and Rarity has to accept that Sweetie Belle has changed. The problem is that Sweetie Belle needs to learn a lesson, too.

Sweetie Belle does try to placate Rarity for a while, but her ingratitude and refusal to enjoy their day together ultimately culminates in a hurtful outburst. "If you still think I like doing this stuff," she yells, "then maybe you don't know me at all!"

After witnessing first-hand the despair Zipporwhill feels when she thinks Ripley doesn't love her anymore, Sweetie Belle should know better. She sweetens up after Rarity learns her lesson, but Sweetie Belle herself never once apologizes for her insensitivity or her lack of gratitude for Rarity's efforts to spend quality time together.

When somepony takes a day off from three jobs to focus entirely on you, it shouldn't take more than a puppet show and some ice cream to win your gratitude. They've earned it just by being there.


Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.