13 Horrible Life Lessons My Little Pony Tries To Teach Our Kids

9. Pinkie Apple Pie

Pinkie Pie My Little Pony
Hasbro Studios

The Horrible Life Lesson: If twice you don't succeed, just give up and never talk about it again.

Pinkie Apple Pie actually contains some morals worth internalizing: families can stick together after a fight, good friends can feel like family, don't give up just because something's hard.

Pinkie Pie delivers that last message herself, albeit a little ironically since she's only moments away from forgetting it. After embarking on a journey to visit Goldie Delicious, severe hoarder and self-proclaimed historian of the Apple family, Pinkie and the Apples fail to discover whether Pinkie Pie is in fact an Apple family cousin. Having already followed unreliable information from Twilight, this is the second failure to determine whether Pinkie and Applejack are related.

Applejack gives a wonderful speech about knowing in her heart that Pinkie is "an Apple to the core," but ultimately they never get the information they want. Not only do they stop trying, but they almost never even mention it again. Aside from one holiday episode and one meta episode in which fans of the Mane Six lose their minds over the show's unanswered questions, the topic simply doesn't come up.

Sometimes life doesn't give you the answers you want, and that's an important lesson; however, this episode takes place after Equestria Girls. Pinkie and AJ should know through Twilight that there's a world of computers and questionable ancestry services out there. They could easily send Twilight to investigate the possible family bond between their human counterparts, which could provide clues to their own family history. Accepting things you can't control is one thing, but giving up when there are still unexplored alternatives is the exact opposite of the message Pinkie related to the Apples earlier in this episode.


Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.