13 Horrible Life Lessons My Little Pony Tries To Teach Our Kids
8. Twilight's Kingdom
The Horrible Life Lesson: Only be nice to those you don't understand when you can get something in return.
Twilight hates Discord. Hate may be a strong word, but Twilight is the only one of the Mane Six whose relationship with Discord has been sour in every single appearance they've had together. The others learn to understand and even appreciate his quirks. Twilight, on the other hand, continues to view him as more of a nuisance than an ally.
In the fourth season finale, this briefly appears to change. A central plot thread in Twilight's Kingdom is Discord's descent back into villainy at the behest of a magic-stealing centaur named Tirek. After Tirek betrays his new lackey, Twilight gives up her magic to save Discord, and she's rewarded with the sixth key to a magical tree that allows her to go Super Saiyan.
Seriously, that's the story. It would be easy to tell you that it makes more sense in context, but it really doesn't.
Anyway, the issue with Twilight's key is that she gains it dishonestly. When the rest of the Mane Six got their keys, they were merely helping others because it was the right thing to do. They didn't even know that the gifts they received for their actions would be important, let alone the keys to gaining superpowers. But by the time Twilight frees Discord, she knows that doing so will get her exactly what she wants.
Twilight stops treating Discord like a friend as soon as this storyline ends. And as the next entry shows, she isn't the only one....