13 Most Heart-Breaking Sitcom Moments Of All Time

3. Where Do You Think You Are? - Scrubs

Scrubs Ben

Ben became a firm fan-favourite when Brendan Fraser guest-starred as the character for two episodes back in 2002, but it took another two years following on from his Leukemia treatment for the character to appear again.

He does so in Season 3's My Screw Up, where Dr Cox and Jordan are preparing to throw a birthday party for their son, Jack, which Ben is attending. His cancer is in remission by this point, but he hasn't been going to screenings.

Later a patient dies on J.D's watch, which Cox blames him for, and the doctor ends up spending sixty hours at the hospital without a break. During this time, Ben follows him around trying to convince him to go to the party and also forgive J.D., both of which he does. However, when he and Ben get to the party and he asks why Ben didn't wear a suit, J.D. appears and asks Dr Cox "where do you think you are?"

Ben then fades away, and it transpires we're not at Jack's birthday party, but Ben's funeral. The reality suddenly hits Dr Cox, who allows himself to be comforted. It's Scrubs' take on The Sixth Sense, and the twist - and sadness it brings - is the show's most poignant moment.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.