13 Reasons Why 13 Reasons Why's Final Season Is A Complete Trainwreck

7. Zach

13 Reasons Why Season 4

Damn it Zach, what have they done to you?

In season two, despite the completely illogical relationship with Hannah Baker, Zach pretty much became the hero of the show. While Clay descended into being a complete jerk, Zach showed himself as a kind-hearted friend who tried to expose the appalling actions of the jocks at Liberty High. In season three he was under-used but still had some very good moments.

Unfortunately, in season four he's completely wrong. He spends nearly the entire thing getting wasted and behaving recklessly, which just didn't ring true at all and was completely out of character.

To make matters worse it was never really explained precisely what had motivated him to behave like this (was it Bryce's death? Him being unable to play sports?). In the penultimate episode he even comes close to having sex with a passed-out prostitute, confirming this whole storyline as a complete betrayal of a great character.

He basically does this for nine episodes and in the final episode he abruptly gets better again without enough build-up or explanation. Zach deserved so much better than this.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.