13 Reasons Why Season 3 Review: 7 Ups & 5 Downs
1. Too Much Ani
When both trailers for the third season hit, it became pretty clear that the show would be introducing a new character named Ani Achola who would quickly become an integral part of the plot. The character didn't seem to go down well with fans and, if you were one those fans, you're opinion of her may not change after you see the season.
The problem with Ani is that she is simply there as a plot device - one who was a designed specifically to relay the necessary information to the viewers, make us feel sympathetic for Bryce Walker and even doubt Clay Jensen. However, why would we do any of those things when we've already formed our own opinions on these characters? You know, given that we know them better than she does.
She was there right from the start, making us doubt people we shouldn't have doubted and, in the process, sounded like she knew everything there is to know about Liberty High. Moreover, it never felt like her attraction to Bryce - or her apparent regret over kissing Clay - was ever really explained.
It also doesn't help that actress Grace Saif's name was automatically inserted ahead of every other main cast member (other than Dylan Minnette) in the credits, as it suggested that her character was more important than the others.
There was no slow burn here, no chance to get to know her slowly; she was automatically inserted right at the forefront. It was just too much, too soon.
Now, for the positives...