13 Reasons Why Season 3 Trailer Reactions: 3 Ups & 3 Downs
2. Alex StandTall
Again, given the teaser-like nature of this trailer, there wasn't much of a narrative, but one of the many character snapshots featured Alex Standall holding Monty de la Cruz up against the wall in a rather threatening manner.
These two have had their issues throughout the entire show's run and, almost always, Monty comes out on top. Brief as it is, it's nice to see Alex portrayed in a rather alpha-like manner here - and the fact that it takes place in the bathroom suggests that we're going to see him attempt to get justice on Monty for his deplorable actions to Tyler last season.
Miles Heizer is undoubtedly one of the show's strongest performers, so let's just hope that the season gives him the focus he deserves.