13 WTF Moments From American Horror Story: Asylum

11. Alma Killing Grace

After everything that Alma, Grace and Kit have been through, it all ends rather violently and Grace's death comes out of nowhere. All three of them have been abducted and experimented on by extraterrestrials and both women have been artificially inseminated by the aliens. Grace and Alma are also both of Kit's wives and living in harmony was never going to be an option for Alma, Kit's first wife. In a moment of madness, she attacks Grace with an axe and aims it at her head. AN AXE TO HER HEAD. This moment literally comes out of nowhere and it's shocking to see how someone's temperament can change so radically in such a short period of time. Within seconds, Alma has changed all of their lives for the worst and is committed to Briarcliff for her murderous actions.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com