13 WTF Moments From American Horror Story: Asylum

7. Sister Mary Eunice Being Possessed By The Devil

Sister Mary Eunice was all sunshine and roses until she got possessed by the Devil. Lily Rabe's role was one of the biggest character transformations on the show thus far and things got a bit... messy. Not only did she go around murdering patients at Briarcliff but she also realised the empowerment that a woman carries between her legs, especially with the other staff members. However, the most shocking moment is between Mary and the Monsignor. He realises that she has been possessed and tries to perform an exorcism, but the demon inside of her is too powerful and she holds him down with an unseen force. As he is unable to move, Mary mounts him and rapes him. This action is tragic because she has accepted the will of the demon and is destroying the life promise that she and the Monsignor gave to God. This action has damned them both and although he has chosen a life of virtue in God's name, the demon mocks him for being so willing to physically perform for Mary.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com