13 WTF Moments From American Horror Story: Asylum

6. The Breastfeeding

Like father, like son... Except this isn't something that anyone would want to see a father pass down to his son. Both the original and the son of Bloody Face have some serious mother issues and breastfeed despite being grown men. In an attempt to continue his father's legacy (and Lana's it would seem), Johnny Morgan, the illegitimate child been Oliver and Lana becomes Bloody Face. Resenting his mother for abandoning him, he seeks comfort from another woman whom he pays to breastfeed from. Oliver, Johnny's father, also turned to Lana to breastfeed from her. Both scenes are difficult to watch but it gave a glimpse of just how deeply rooted they are with their abandonment issues.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com